Andy Murray had a bye in the first round Sony Ericsson Open

Last year, Andy Murray reigned supreme at the Sony Ericsson Open in Key Biscayne. This year, he went out in the second round against some guy named Mardy Fish, who's not even ranked in the top 100 worldwide. Murray had a bye in the first round, meaning he didn't win a single match. Ouch.

The UK tennis sensation, who has since become a part-time Miami resident, seems pretty emo about the whole thing.

"I haven't been tough enough on the court and that's what's most disappointing. Mentally, the last few weeks I've been really poor and unacceptable," Murray tells the Press Association.

Apparently, a psychologist is on call to help him with his game.

"I've been very happy off the court but not on it, and that's where I need to be happy just now because this is my career.

"I need to start to enjoy my tennis again like at the start of the year. I need to be that person again."

Roberto Forzoni, a psychologist who apparently has no problems talking about former clients with the press, says, "I'm there for him. We've got a good relationship and he can pick up the phone at any time. I'm going to be trying to contact him in the next day or so to see if there's anything I can do."

Keep him away from the Bright Eyes albums, doctor, because Murray sounds kind of depressed right now. Or maybe he's just desperately in love with his adopted playwright sister. Who knows with these tennis people.

Kim Kardashian Tosses a Little Glam Into Tennis Game

Kim Kardashian We're assuming this isn't how Kim Kardashian decided to end it with Reggie Bush.

But the E! star did perform a pretty fabulous coin toss prior to the tennis match on Monday between Roger Federer and Florent Serra at the Sony Ericsson Open in Miami.

Of course, she also looked pretty fabulous too.

source :

Qué tipo de reglas obedecen los niños

Estudio establece qué tipo de reglas obedecen los niños

Un estudio realizado en niños menores de ocho años demostró por qué éstos desobedecen cuando se les imponen reglas ligadas a aspectos personales, pero en temas sociales se muestran más dispuestos a cooperar.
Valentina está a punto de cumplir los cinco años y Macarena, su madre, la describe como el "huracán" de la casa. Uno de sus juegos favoritos es desobedecer y jactarse de doblarle la mano a Macarena. Valentina se encargó de hacerle entender a su madre que imponerle las reglas no será un tarea fácil.
Es lo que tres psicólogas de las universidades de California, Illinois y Ontario profundizaron en un estudio a 60 niños entre cuatro y siete años. ¿El objetivo? Revelar las variables que condicionan la respuesta de un niño frente a las reglas. El resultado fue concluyente: cuando las reglas estaban ligadas a temáticas morales y sociales, como "no golpees a tus amigos" o "no tomes lo que no te pertenece", los niños se mostraron más dispuestos a seguirlas. Todo cambió cuando las reglas se involucraban con su espacio personal, por ejemplo, la elección de vestuario o los amigos para jugar. "Los niños sienten que tienen más de un derecho a réplica cuando los padres les ordenan reglas relacionadas con aspectos de su vida personal", señala a La Tercera, Kristin Hansen Lagattuta, académica del Departamento de Psicología de la U. de California y coautora del estudio que se publicará en la revista Child Development.
Pero, ¿cómo niños tan pequeños logran distinguir estos dos tipos de reglas? Según Hansen, entre los tres y los cinco años los menores empiezan a descifrar las situaciones que están dentro de su dominio personal y las que son de carácter obligatorio. "Por lo general, los padres están más dispuestos a negociar en asuntos que forman parte del espacio personal del niño, como por ejemplo: ¿qué quieres ponerte hoy?", explica. Esto le da entender al niño que en estas ocasiones su opinión podría importar. En cambio, las normas éticas y sociales son interpretadas como aduanas para ingresar a los distintos grupos sociales, por lo que las interpretará como algo obligatorio, dejando de lado la resistencia.
Por esto, dicen las investigadoras, los padres deben intentar darle un valor moral a una norma personal, si es que ésta, por ejemplo, tiene consecuencias en un tercero. ¿Cómo? Si una madre le dice a un niño que no se ensucie, el niño probablemente desobedecerá por tratarse de un imperativo personal. Sin embargo, si se le explica que ensuciarse hará que la nana se queda hasta más tarde, podría tomarlo desde la otra vereda.
Hay más. El psicólogo clínico infanto-juvenil, Ladislao Lira, dice que es importante darle el espacio al hijo para elegir. "Al sentirse considerado, el niño podrá ir desarrollando su autonomía como ser humano". Practicar la negociación con el menor fomentará su carácter y lo convertirá en alguien más reflexivo, evitando una futura rebeldía o, como dice el estudio, problemas psicológicos, como depresiones. De este mismo modo, "los padres también deben tomar conciencia del sentido que tiene la norma que están imponiendo, para poder explicarle al niño por qué se le está diciendo que no", agrega Lira.
Hacerle creer al niño que está haciendo lo que quiere es otra opción para contrarrestar una situación tensa. Así, si el niño no desea abrigarse, por ejemplo, funcionará darle la opción de elegir que suéter quiere ocupar. Con esto, el niño pensará que se salió con la suya, esto le permitirá desarrollar carácter y el padre se evitará un mal rato.

Ricky Martin reconoce ser homosexual

Ricky Martin reconoce ser homosexual, hermano y ex parejas le entregan su apoyo

Eric Martin y figuras como Alicia Machado enviaron su respaldo al cantante, quien ayer se confesó homosexual.Más voces de apoyo para Ricky Martin, quien ayer a través de una carta reconoció su homosexualidad. A la decena de artistas que entregaron su respaldo a su confesión, hoy se sumó la más cercana: su hermano Eric.
De hecho, se trata del mismo familiar que en 2006 fue fotografiado junto al cantante en una playa, lo que aumentó los rumores sobre su sexualidad. Ayer, en una entrevista con el diario puertorriqueño El nuevo día, Eric dijo: "Él es mi hermano, si está feliz, yo estaré feliz también". Luego agregó: "Es mi hermano y lo amo con todo el corazón, independientemente de su preferencia sexual”.
En una anterior entrevista con Inter News Service, en diciembre de 2009, el pariente del artista también aseguró que "la mayor enseñanza que yo he recibido de mi hermano es que siempre luche por lo que yo quiero, aunque se tarde uno, dos o tres años".
Eric, que se desempeña como entrenador, agregó que el intérprete le ha inculcado que “nunca pierda mi humildad, ya que es lo más hermoso que tiene una persona".
Por otro lado, algunas mujeres del espectáculo que alguna vez fueron vinculadas al cantante también ofrecieron su apoyo. Una de las que más lo marcó fue la modelo Rebeca de Alba, con quien mantuvo un idilio que duró más de una década y con la que incluso después de romper ha mantenido una sólida relación de amistad. "Ella es la única mujer que yo escogería para ser madre de mis hijos", llegó a decir el hombre de Livin la vida loca de la modelo.
De momento, la modelo no ha hecho ninguna declaración sobre la nueva situación del que fuera su pareja, aunque sí lo han hecho muchas otras como Alicia Machado, con la que se le relacionó poco después de que fuera nombrada Miss Universo.
Machado ha pedido respeto para el artista por el valor mostrado. "Ojalá que todo esto no se convierta en un circo, que no se le otorgue gran importancia", ha declarado la venezolana.
"Todos tenemos derecho a llevar nuestra vida como mejor nos parezca; hay muchas cosas en el mundo más importantes que la sexualidad. Él es un gran artista y una persona excepcional; la sexualidad es algo íntimo", añadió a la prensa latina.
La cantante y actriz mexicana Sasha Sökol, con la que también se relacionó al puertorriqueño, también ha querido dejar un mensaje de apoyo en su Twitter: "No se trata de ser tolerantes o no tolerantes. Se trata de respetar la dignidad insustituible de cada uno".
Además de las mujeres que compartieron su vida, han sido también muchos compañeros del cantante los que han querido mostrarle su apoyo. Juanes colgó en su cuenta de Twitter: "Todo mi respeto y cariño para ti Ricky sos un caballero'.
Alejandro Sanz también le ha expresado su apoyo: "Un fuerte abrazo y toda mi amistad para Ricky martín. Se te quiere y se te respeta. Que bueno que estés en paz". Daddy Yankee, Eva Longoria, Ricardo Montaner y hasta los chilenos Felipe Viel y Cristián de la Fuente enviaron su respaldo a la confesión de Martin.

Shoaib Malik to wed Sania Mirza

LAHORE: Former Pakistan cricket captain Shoaib Malik is engaged to Indian tennis star Sania Mirza and the two will soon be tying the knot, leading television channels in India and Pakistan reported on Monday.

While reports about the engagement started doing rounds since early evening, Sania’s father Imran Mirza, a former sports journalist, confirmed the news to a leading Indian channel, Aaj Tak, while speaking from Hyderabad Deccan later in the evening.

A few channels also quoted Sania’s agents as confirming the development, which took many by surprise. According to the channel, Shoaib’s mother met Sania’s parents in India and sought their consent for making Sania her daughter-in-law.

In Sialkot, Malik’s family sources confirmed the news and disclosed that date for the wedding would be decided in the first week of April. The valima reception is likely to be held in Lahore in mid-April.

Malik, serving a one-year ban imposed by the Pakistan Cricket Board, is currently in Sharjah for the Bangladesh League.

The all-rounder was also in the news for similar reasons during Pakistan cricket team’s tour to India in 2005. He was then accused of ditching another Indian girl, Ayesha Siddiqui, who coincidentally belonged to Hyderabad. The two had met through Internet and got married. Ayesha’s father had also threatened to sue Malik for jilting the girl. Malik later denied having any relations whatsoever with her.

Sania Mirza, on the other hand, had also hit the headlines last year after she called off her engagement with an Indian businessman and friend, Mohammad Sohrab Mirza.

Reliable sources told Dawn that Malik’s involvement with Sania had a hand in the break up of her first engagement. In a recent interview, Malik had said: “I desire to get married soon. You will soon get some good news but it depends on my family. I expect to get married this year.”

Asked if it would be an arranged marriage, he said: “No one can say what will happen, but it will take place with the consent of my family.”

You will soon get some good news but it depends on my family. I expect to get married this year, Shoaib Malik said in a recent interview.

Source : Dawn

The Chilean Song Concert at Lula Lounge for Earthquake and Tsunami Victims

The Chilean Song for Earthquake and Tsunami Victims

Benefit for Chile @ Lula Lounge – Thursday, April 8
“The Chilean Song”

On Thursday, April the 8th, Chilean born Alvaro Oyarce, will be performing a Benefit Concert at Lula Lounge to raise funds to help the victims of the Chilean earthquake. The theme will be "The Chilean Song" and will feature artists Sarina Paris, Rosita Stone, Claudia Santilli, Tury Morey, Jaime Smallbach, Carola Sanchez, Aram Mossakhanian, Andres Mansilla, Alex Russell, Jim Finlayson, Armando Borg, Maestro Navas, and DJ Sonico. Doors opens at 7 pm and the show begin at 8 pm. All proceeds will be directed to Chile through Father Hernan Astudillo and his Caravan of Hope.

Location: Lula Lounge 1585 Dundas St. West at Brock
Door opens: 7 pm
Show begins: 8 pm
Donation: $20 or pay what you can
Information: 416.316.0384
or 416.588.0307
Email: Alvaro Oyarce, organizer - or

trophy watchn all roger all the time

roger federer - trophy - shanghai 2007

Even with Roger Federer’s late-2007 hiccup (which saw him lose back-to-back matches for the first time since 2003), the Swiss and World No. 1 came out on top this year.

He beat sixth seed David Ferrer 6-2, 6-3, 6-2 to win his fourth Tennis Masters Cup title in five years.

federer - mercedes c-class - shanghai

Another record: Roger collected $1.2 million and a Mercedes-Benz C-Class for the win, putting his 2007 prize money pot at $10 million plus — an ATP record.

roger federer - trophy - shanghai 2007

Earlier in the week, Federer also picked up another trophy by clinching the year-end No. 1 spot for the fourth year in a row.

See a photo of Ferrer (plus doubles winners) after the cut…

tennis masters cup 2007 - awards ceremonies

Ferrer and Federer

nestor - knowles - tmc shanghai

Meanwhile, runners-up Simon Aspelin and Julian Knowle of Austria stand next to doubles winners Daniel Nestor and Mark Knowles.

venus receives diamond-encrusted tennis ball

Venus Williams - Wimbledon jewellery

That diamond-encrusted tennis ball, designed by Gitanjali Gems to help launch Wimbledon’s jewelry line, was presented to Venus Williams by Jewelery Marketing Company CEO Nehal Modi last Wednesday, Nov. 14, in New York City.

In case you’re keeping count, there are 4,300 diamonds on that thing!

(And in case you’re keeping track, Venus was also in town to launch her Steve & Barry’s clothing line, EleVen, with a party and a press conference.)

Dinara Safina Tennis Player

Dinara Safina Tennis PlayerDinara Safina Tennis Player
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Dinara Safina

Jo-Wilfried Tsonga Tennis Player

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Jo-Wilfried Tsonga win

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Columna especial desde TORONTO, Canadá, para DIARIO UNO.-
A la distancia, cuando alguien te despierta a las 5 de la mañana de un sábado, lo primero que piensas es en la muerte de alguien muy cercano, tu madre, tus hermanos, alguien muy querido. Excepto que alguien haya trasnochado y esté con unos traguitos de más, nadie te llama en Canadá a esa hora. Y en especial, si tu hermano menor Mario Alfredo te habló anoche de un tsunami acercándose a las costas de Japón: “¿Cuando hay maremoto o terremoto allá, no hay terremoto en Chile”, me preguntó casi en clave y como anticipando la debacle.
Despertar con CNN de Estados Unidos anunciando la catástrofe y ver que en Chile era todo daños del terremoto y sus efectos devastadores, fue angustiante. No poder comunicarse con la familia en Santiago y en niguna partre, peor. Sólo mi sobrino Rodrigo Mazzo, ex webmaster de Chilevisión y hoy trabajando para la Biblioteca del Congreso en Valparaíso, mostraba señales de vida. Un mensaje en Facebook, con la batería de su laptop agotándose y la infinidad de Twitter con la marca # terremoto permitía informarse, mientras amanecía en el frío y nevado invierno de Toronto.
Como nosotros vivimos el terremoto del ’85 en carne propia y nuestro hogar se destruyó casi completamente por la irresponsabilidad de los constructores, uno pensaba por el no control de la corrupción de la dictadura, ver los daños en el Museo en el centro de Santiago y apreciar que los hospitales estaban todos dañados agravó todo. Mi hermana Rossana trabajaba en la Posta Central y se decía en los informes que parte de ella se había desplomado.
Y aunque el remezón del terremoto, nos dejó con el alma en un hilo y la comunicación llegó solamente dos días después vía la cámara web del teléfono Skype en nuestra oficina en el centro de Toronto, viendo los rostros cansados de mi nuestra madre, sobrino Tito, hermanas Rossana y Jacqueline y nuestro compadre don Félix en Peñalolén, el poder de la solidaridad afloró inmensamente. ¿Cuántos no estarán agradecidos de un personaje chileno en Estados Unidos, que no conocemos su nombre pero sí su apodo, “Mote con Huesillo”, quien fue capaz de colocar las noticias en vivo y en directo vía
Batallando con Joanne Smale, la relacionadora pública de CMW (La Semana de la Música Canadiense), incluso en medio de los argumentos, ella fue capaz de decir inmediatamente: “Chile, estamos con ustedes de todo corazón”. Andrés Mendoza, chileno ex gerente de EMI Odeon en Canadá y hoy manager de Alex Cuba (que hizo duo con Nelly Furtado en “Mi Plan”, quien recién acababa de ganar el Premio al Mejor Artista de Música Mundial con Alex, informaba de una gran lista de artistas canadienses en el beneficio “A Night for Chile” en la sala Revival, mientras Claudia Saldivia y Alvaro Oyarce, de la Casa Salvador Allende, organizaban dos conciertos en Lula Lounge con ganadores de Juno y candidatos de Grammys como Jane Bunnet, Hilario Durán, Son Ache, Marcelo Puente y Diego Marulanda, y con otro Fundraiser para el jueves 8 de abril en la famosa discoteca Lula Lounge, donde estarán estrellas internacionales como Rosita Stone (quien llegó a estar en el No. 2 del ranking de video clips en América latina, superada solamente por Juanes), el armenio canadiense Aramik Moosakhanian (quien es ganador de los premios Big Apple Music Awards en Nueva York, el Premio CAC en Los Angeles, nominado y estelar de los MTV Awards en Nueva York de Uzbekistán y Asia Central, que estuvo en 100 millones de hogares en televisión la semana pasada), Sarina Paris (Top 40 Dance Hits del Billaboard), entre muchos otros personajes de fama internacional.
Magdalena Díaz, miembro del comité organizador, destacó la presencia de jóvenes en las actividades “son más de 200 voluntarios, en su mayoría jóvenes que se motivan y organizan a través de Facebook”, sostiene. Además resalta la oportunidad que estas actividades están dando a la comunidad para conocerse. El acto comenzó pasadas las 20 horas, y ya se anuncia una segunda parte, no sólo por la cantidad de publico, que superó las 200 personas, sino además por los artistas que no pudieron subirse al escenario.

“Ya estamos pensando en hacer otro evento en junio, ahora están participando muchos latinos pero también canadienses que solidarizan con la tragedia en las ciudades que fueron más afectadas”, cuenta Claudio Saldivia, organizador y miembro del grupo Proyecto Altiplano, que también tocó.
En el evento desfilaron bandas para todos los gustos, desde los bailes de Isla de Pascua con Grupo Chile, pasando por el rock canadiense de Cathartic los sonidos del oriente y Cuba, con Jane Bunnett. El dinero que se recaudó irá a la asociación Oxfam Internacional, institución dedicada al trabajo social con menores. Ellos formaron una organización colectiva bajo el nombre de Chile Can Rise, que es no partidista, y bajo el auspicio de varias organizaciones, y enfocada en prestar ayuda para la reconstrucción de Chile, e inmediatamente empezaron a publicar toda la información pertinente en un grupo en Facebook llamado Chile Can Rise y en elsitio de Web
Este fin de semana del 27 de marzo, el sacerdote anglicano chileno, Maurice Francois, realizaba una misa en memoria de las víctimas del terremoto y tsunami en la Parroquia Holy Trinity Square, en el centro de Toronto. Inti Illimani hacía un “Concierto por Chile” con Francesca Gagnon, la solista spectacular de “Alegría” del Cirque Du Soleil, el espectáculo más caro del mundo, para reconstruir la ciudad de Lota. Latin American-Canadian Art Projects-LACAP, el alcalde subrogante de Toronto, Joe Pantalone, junto con el staff municipal de la Exhibition Place y Queen Elizabeth Theatre, pusieron todo su esfuerzo para que este evento fuese un suceso. El album Alegria estuvo en los rankings de la revista Billboard por 56 semanas y llegó al No 1 de Top World Music: hasta la fecha más de dos millones de copias de Alegría se han vendido en todo el planeta.
Otro sacerdote anglicano latinoamericano, Padre Hernán Astudillo, ha estado realizando una Radiotón de su radio comunitaria “Voces Latinas” por cuatro semans, solamente en la primer sábado se recolectaron casi Cdn $ 18.000 para asistir proyectos de reconstrucción en Chile. Carlos Sousa, president canadiense de FIABCI, la Federación Mundial Inmobiliaria, se reunió con empresarios chilenos de Toronto, para coordinar un paquete de ayuda a través de varias fundaciones inmobiliarias.

Otros simplemente juntaban $ 50 dólares bailando salsa y lo donaban a Doctores Sin Fronteras, otros jugarán Bowling por Chile el primero de abril con donanciones mínimas de $ 25 o hacían maquillaje gratis con una donación para nuestro país, como los empleados chilenos de Mantenimiento de la aerolínea Air Canada ofrecían carga gratis a Chile para ayudar las víctimas.
Ciertamente, siendo realistas, todo estos beneficios son como saludos a la bandera, porque la destrucción es tan dramática e impactante: USD $ 40 mill millones de dólares, 2 millones de hogares afectados, casi 8 millones de personas, 1 millón y medio de viviendas y edificios destruidos. Pero el poder de la solidaridad emocional es importante también, porque desde la distancia es como decir que Chile se levantará de los escombros y las cenizas para volver a liderar el concierto latinoamericano de naciones, con future esplendor, no?
En el background, un grupo de compatriotas en Toronto y en Santiago trabaja por conseguir donaciones de 10.000 casas prefabricadas durables y anti-sísimicas para las víctimas en Concepción y otras ciudades afectadas, así como llevar las mejores tecnologías de concreto liviano anti-sísmico para comenzar la reconstrucción de viviendas, puentes y carreteras, simplemente porque Chile lo necesita. El sector privado y departamentos del Gobierno de Canadá trabajan en silencio, pero eficientemente para completer ese objetivo…
JUAN CARLOS CORDERO es periodista chileno y Master en Historia de América, radicado en Toronto desde hace 20 años, director de La Estrella de Toronto y UNO International News Service, que ha cubierto eventos catastróficos como el ataque a las Torres Gemelas en Nueva York, el terror del anthrax en Washington y el ataque de al-Qaeda al Pentágono, entre otros hechos mundiales.

Anne Keothavong Tennis Player

Anne Keothavong Tennis Desktop picture
Anne Keothavong

Anne Keothavong Desktop tennis picture
Anne Keothavong

Anne Keothavong Desktop picture tennis
Anne Keothavong

“The Book of Disappeared Synonyms”‏

“The Book of Disappeared Synonyms”‏

Z’otz* Collective, comprised of Ilyana Martínez, Erik Jerezano, and Nahúm Flores, collaboratively create quirky and often outrageous images which explore with humour, ideas of transition, displacement, containment, and evolution. For “The Book of the Disappeared Synonyms”, the Collective will present new clay sculptures and drawings on paper, which depict hybrid beasts and wild characters taken from the bizarre lands of their combined imagination.


SOUTH AFRICA 2010: Brazail goes for the 6th World Cup Champion Title

SOUTH AFRICA 2010: Brazail goes for the 6th World Cup Champion Title

No team in the history of football have enjoyed as much success as Brazil. When it comes to the FIFA World Cup, not only have the South American giants won more titles and more games than anyone else, and scored more goals, they have been ever-present at the finals, never once failing to negotiate their region's qualifying tournament. However, the reigning South American champions and FIFA Confederations Cup holders failed in their bid to reach a fourth successive FIFA World Cup Final at Germany 2006. That tournament marked the end of a golden era in the country's history and ushered in what what fans hope would be an equally successful spell under former Auriverde star Dunga.

With Brazil's phenomenal recent record at the finals, it is easy to forget that it was not always that way. Back in 1950, they hosted the FIFA World Cup supremely confident of celebrating the title at the awe-inspiring Maracana Stadium but failed to count on Obdulio Varela's indomitable Uruguay side snatching victory in the decisive game. There was a happier ending in Sweden eight years later, when a 17-year-old Pele guided Brazil to their first triumph. His magical skills, along with those of Garrincha and other fabled names, ensured the country's continued domination over the next few years as further titles were added at Chile 1962 and, perhaps most spectacularly of all, at Mexico 1970.
Pele's retirement marked a downturn in Brazilian fortunes, however, and it was some 24 years and several false dawns later before the Canarinhos reached the pinnacle of world football once more. At USA 1994, Carlos Parreira was at the helm of a side famed more for its tactical nous than technical prowess. Nevertheless, with the magic of Romario and Bebeto and the leadership of Dunga, Parreira duly guided Brazil to victory over Italy on penalties after the first goalless Final in the competition's history. In 1998, with Ronaldo having assumed Romario's mantle, the team coached by the legendary Mario Zagallo fell to France in the Final, opening a wound that would take four years to heal. Although Luiz Felipe Scolari's unheralded team arrived at Korea/Japan 2002 without the tag of favourites, they proceeded to sweep aside all-comers with some dazzling football from the three Rs - Rivaldo, Ronaldo and Ronaldinho - to claim a fifth FIFA World Cup.
In 2006, with Parreira back at the helm once more, the Seleção boasted perhaps the most glittering line-up in their history, with Kaka, Ze Roberto, Ronaldinho, Adriano and Ronaldo set to threaten even the tightest defences. They did wreak a certain amout of havoc in Germany, but not for quarter-final opponents France, who sent the Auriverde packing with a 1-0 win. Though no consolation for their elimination, Ronaldo's feat of becoming the competition's all-time top-scorer during the finals was a source of pride to all Brazilians.
In the aftermath of Germany 2006, the Brazilian Football Condeferation entrusted the running of the team to the hugely sucessful ex-international Carlos Dunga, who had captained Brazil to the world title in 1994 but who, curiously, had never worked as a coach before. Dunga wasted little time in repaying his employers' faith, leading the side to a 3-0 win over rivals Argentina in the final of the Copa America Venezuela 2007, having blooded a host of new players and coped without several big-name stars. All told, it bodes extremely well for the five-time world champions as they bid to repeat their first-place finish that took them comfortably through the qualifiers for Germany 2006.

Bohemia en Primavera en Toronto

Bohemia en Primavera en Toronto

El Viernes 26 de Marzo, ven al encuentro de los
versos y las canciones, de los sentimientos y el ritmo…

Bohemia, la Peña Cultural Latinoamericana.
Actuación especial de la cantante venezolana Carla Casanova y del tecladista colombiano Andrés Velez.

Restaurante El Palenque Casa del Mariachi
816 St. Clair Ave. West. Toronto 416 653 5593
7:00 - 10:00 p.m.

Lee tus poemas, comparte tu música.
Micrófono abierto. Entrada gratuita.

Informes: Freddy Velez. Tel: 905 494 12 02.

Agradecimientos: Casa Salvador Allende, Casa Maíz, CORREO Canadiense, colombianosencanada, torontohispano, SolMedia, Casa Cultural Colombiana.

Manuel Jofre Aravena
25 Four Winds Dr. Suite 903
North York, m3j1k8 Ontario
(416) 665-6246


Who can escape from the Blondie Attraction? Lady Gaga first artist with one billion online video views
Video analytics company Visible Measures - the one we work with to put out our monthly top 10 webisodes chart - curates a list of video called the "100 Million Club."
It includes all the web videos that have exceeded 100 million views. Lady Gaga has long been a staple of the chart, but now she's essentially in a club all her own: She's the first franchise to reach one billion views.
Gaga's music videos hold three spots in the 65-video 100 Million Club - one for "Poker Face" (374,606,128), one for "Just Dance" (272,941,674) and one for "Bad Romance" (360,020,327). Add them up and you get just over one billion views. She won't occupy the club alone for long, though; the Twilight saga is close behind with 980 million and Soulja Boy is at 860 million.
Gaga is primarily a hit on Vevo and YouTube; 25% of Vevo's visitors only have eyes for her. The pop star has attracted Internet attention elsewhere, too. A Facebook group of more than 100,000 people initiated National Lady Gaga Day about a month ago, and her latest Internet hit is her "Telephone" music video with Beyoncé.


Who can escape from the Blondie Attraction? Lady Gaga first artist with one billion online video views
Video analytics company Visible Measures - the one we work with to put out our monthly top 10 webisodes chart - curates a list of video called the "100 Million Club."
It includes all the web videos that have exceeded 100 million views. Lady Gaga has long been a staple of the chart, but now she's essentially in a club all her own: She's the first franchise to reach one billion views.
Gaga's music videos hold three spots in the 65-video 100 Million Club - one for "Poker Face" (374,606,128), one for "Just Dance" (272,941,674) and one for "Bad Romance" (360,020,327). Add them up and you get just over one billion views. She won't occupy the club alone for long, though; the Twilight saga is close behind with 980 million and Soulja Boy is at 860 million.
Gaga is primarily a hit on Vevo and YouTube; 25% of Vevo's visitors only have eyes for her. The pop star has attracted Internet attention elsewhere, too. A Facebook group of more than 100,000 people initiated National Lady Gaga Day about a month ago, and her latest Internet hit is her "Telephone" music video with Beyoncé.


Lady Gaga first artist with one billion online video views
Video analytics company Visible Measures - the one we work with to put out our monthly top 10 webisodes chart - curates a list of video called the "100 Million Club."
It includes all the web videos that have exceeded 100 million views. Lady Gaga has long been a staple of the chart, but now she's essentially in a club all her own: She's the first franchise to reach one billion views.
Gaga's music videos hold three spots in the 65-video 100 Million Club - one for "Poker Face" (374,606,128), one for "Just Dance" (272,941,674) and one for "Bad Romance" (360,020,327). Add them up and you get just over one billion views. She won't occupy the club alone for long, though; the Twilight saga is close behind with 980 million and Soulja Boy is at 860 million.
Gaga is primarily a hit on Vevo and YouTube; 25% of Vevo's visitors only have eyes for her. The pop star has attracted Internet attention elsewhere, too. A Facebook group of more than 100,000 people initiated National Lady Gaga Day about a month ago, and her latest Internet hit is her "Telephone" music video with Beyoncé.
The point is, you can't escape Gaga on the Internet. She's everywhere right now. We welcome speculation as to exactly why the web loves her so, so let us know in the comments if you have any ideas.
In the meantime, here are Gaga's three 100 Million Club hits

Interview Anastasia Pavlyuchenkova

Anastasia Pavlyuchenkova
A. PAVLYUCHENKOVA/A. Radwanska 7-6, 6-4

Q. So you're learning how to win consistently, it seems like, against the good players?
ANASTASIA PAVLYUCHENKOVA: Yeah. I don't know. I'm very excited now, and more and more every day because I keep winning. And it's really big achievement for me this week. I beat some really good players.
I'm very happy, especially today. First time in semis, of course I'm very happy, of course, but I beat Agnieszka. We played like, I don't know, five or six times already. She's a very tough player for me, especially her -- I don't know, the way she plays it was really tough, all the matches.
Well, just today I thought, Well, I don't care about the result, because no point to care, actually. Just I knew it was going to be tough, so I'm very happy I went through.

Q. What worked for you today against her versus other times when things haven't gone as well?
ANASTASIA PAVLYUCHENKOVA: Well, as I said, I think I'm getting more confident, which helped me a lot this match, too. And also, I think five times or few times is enough already to learn how to play against her. Well, if you're not very stupid, I think should be enough.
So I try to think about previous matches against her, and I just try to avoid my old mistakes I've done in the previous matches against her before.
I think my game has improved a lot, because the last time I played this girl was in Wimbledon. And as I said, I'm more confident now. The game is better. All these things, all these elements came together now. Maybe this is just the time to beat her today.

Q. So how did it feel to be back on the big stadium? You were on the big stadium, then Court 4, then Court 6, then you were back on the big one.
ANASTASIA PAVLYUCHENKOVA: Yeah. Well, it felt great, for sure. But I didn't really -- I don't know. Didn't really think about it. It's big court and it's more people, and it's like -- I don't know, it was quite normal for me. I was focused on my match.
But of course it's always better to play on big courts against good players and when everyone is watching, and I think it's more exciting. You feel like something big is going on around.
Also, yesterday was day off for me. Well, half a day off. So I went shopping and I relaxed, and it was like a new tournament today. Because all last week I was just practice, match, hotel, and every time the same routine.
So I got really tired from that, and now it's something new again.

Q. You had a lot of success in the juniors. What do you see are some of the key things that have been important to improve as you become a pro, or the key differences between the juniors and the pros?
ANASTASIA PAVLYUCHENKOVA: Well, I think mentally the pros are stronger, for sure. Also, I changed a bit of my game, because I think I was less aggressive before. In juniors, I was just -- I don't know, sometimes I could win the match because I was No. 1 in the world in juniors.
Some of the junior players, they would come, and already they know they're going to lose. So they knew it was going to be tough match. Maybe that's why it was easier for me. I was above a little bit.
Definitely, the level was good there, as well. That's why when I was transferred to the pros I thought it's going to be much easier for me, and it's going to go quick.
So then after I started to put a lot of pressure on myself, I was like 15, 16, and I -- every time I was losing it was a nightmare for me, in the pros I mean.
And when I couldn't win -- I started with 25, then I played Kremilin Cup and I was losing a lot of matches and it was nightmare. It was wearing me down all the time.
Maybe I was just there because of myself, too. So it was tough to get this confidence.

Q. In the second set at 5-3, you served for the match. After that, you called your coach. Can you tell us what you talked about?
ANASTASIA PAVLYUCHENKOVA: Well, at 5-3, I think -- at 4-3, was good game. After at 5-3, first point was good serve, and then after I think, for me, I just relaxed a little bit. I think I thought it's going to be over now. So I know it's wrong, and I really punished myself for that after the game.
I mean, mentally, because I was -- because I didn't have to play like this. You have to fight every point. Doesn't matter what the score.
So I thought, Well, it's 5-3, 15-Love, and my serve now it's going to be always, so and it's not like this. And, well, I just called my coach to calm down and just -- because I had some troubles on the return of her serve, and a lot of -- I had mistakes or something.
So also this, and I wanted just to hear his opinion and just calm down.

Q. So as you've gone through these rounds in the tournament, I mean, are you not feeling a lot of nerves going into these matches, getting bigger and bigger? Are you feeling calm going into the matches?
ANASTASIA PAVLYUCHENKOVA: Yeah, quite calm. Though I'm a little bit surprised, as well. Just one match I think against Knapp, I was a little bit not feeling very well in terms of nerves. I was a little bit nervous before the match.
Because after the big victory against Jankovic I went to play the same game or just continue to keep winning, you know. Because I think -- I didn't want people to think that, Well, you know, she just beat excellent player. I don't know, Jankovic wasn't playing good. She beat her, and then now it's -- I mean, I just wanted to continue in the same. I didn't want to relax.
So I just -- I wasn't sure about my reaction on the court, so that's why I was -- but then when I started to play against Knapp, during the match I was calm back again, because it was a good match. I was focused, and it was good.
But I feel okay about this, going on court. Well, I experienced a lot, because I was nervous a lot in the past. I was putting pressure a lot before and during the matches, so I just -- I experienced this a lot, so I think maybe it was good point that it was happening before.

Q. What about Ivanovic? Going to be an even bigger match. Have you played her before?
ANASTASIA PAVLYUCHENKOVA: No, never. I haven't played, actually, those big players before. Just this year at the Australian Open in Paris, Dubai, and here I start playing. Before, I didn't have a chance to play against them.
But of course I've seen a lot of her on TV and playing like this, so just I just know a little bit about her. So, I mean, I've just seen her. She's definitely a good player. Well, what I need to do is just continue to do my job and just be confident and play every point.

Q. So what did you buy when you were shopping?
ANASTASIA PAVLYUCHENKOVA: Well, it was just the shoes shopping, because I stopped with the clothes. I think I have too much clothes. It's really I think I've got so much clothes it's a joke. In Paris, I can't close my wardrobe already.
I have to find another room to put my stuff or something, to create something new, or just get rid of the stuff I bought in the past. It's really -- it's really bad.
I said to my mom and every one of my friends, I've stopped with the clothes. So this time yesterday I just bought shoes.

Q. Speaking of big players, does it seem strange to come to a big tournament and Serena and Venus are not here?
ANASTASIA PAVLYUCHENKOVA: Is it strange for me that they are not here? This is the question?

Q. Yes.
ANASTASIA PAVLYUCHENKOVA: Well, yes, I think, because I think something is missing, really. I feel so. And also, this tournament, I can compare it to Grand Slam in a way, in terms of players and prize money. It's really, really big tournament. After the Grand Slam, I think it's this one and Miami.
Also, the atmosphere and everything, you feel like it's really something big. So it's strange that they are not here. Of course, I think with them it's more show and more interest and a lot of big fights and good matches. But I can't do anything (laughter.)

Q. You played Agnieszka a few times. At Wimbledon she beat you. It was a different Agnieszka? A different Anastasia today? Also, you play other Polish girls, Marta Domachowska. How can you compare their styles and their potential?
ANASTASIA PAVLYUCHENKOVA: Yes. Yes, as I said, I think I'm changing, so I'm a little bit different now. I'm more confident, as I said, and I experienced a lot the way I was playing against her. My game is improved, so everything is improved. I'm stronger now, and I'm -- I grew up a little bit, as well. So everything together helped me a lot today.
Today, I just thought, really, why I can't beat her? I mean, so many times we played, and I know she's a very good player, but she's -- I mean, I still have a chance to beat her. I have everything to beat her, and I just went on court with that state of mind.
I thought, I just need to do my job, and I have to push and be aggressive. I think I was just believing a lot. I can do it, really. I'm really happy that I beat her, because so many times we've played and I just couldn't do it. It just was quite stupid mistakes and not good game.
And about Marta, it was quite tough match, too, for me, because it was first match of this tournament. After Dubai, I had like two weeks or even more, you know. And when it's new tournament, first match, it's always tough to get the rhythm.
Yeah, but I was just...

Q. What about Urszula? You played her, too, right? Not at this one, but in your career.
ANASTASIA PAVLYUCHENKOVA: Yes, we played a few times, but it was a little bit easier against her than against Agnieszka. I beat her maybe three out of four, I think, something like this. And we played a really long time ago in juniors, so it was a long time. Just tough to remember all the details.
But Marta Domachowska is more aggressive. She is more -- she hits very hard. But Agnieszka is very smart player. It's tough, because she always plays in different rhythm.
I didn't know what she was going to do, because you never know. It seems like the shots are not so strong and powerful, so you can just come in and do what you want with this. But it's not like this.
I mean, so she makes dropshot and she makes lob, long, short, and she makes you move all the time. I think she's very strong mentally, as well. It's very tough.

Q. So you've repainted your fingernails again?

Q. It's black now? Is that black?
THE MODERATOR: Olive green.
ANASTASIA PAVLYUCHENKOVA: Black/green. It's like the lake color, you know? I don't know how you call it.

Q. Moss?
ANASTASIA PAVLYUCHENKOVA: Looks like black and yellow or something.

Q. Are you superstitious about any colors, or are there some colors you won't paint because you think they bring bad luck?
ANASTASIA PAVLYUCHENKOVA: No, no. I just -- this tournament -- normally I don't care -- but this tournament, I try to put as close as possible to my matches' clothes. I don't know why. So it was a lot yellow before, and black. So now it's black with yellow, so close. So I put yellow here.

Q. Papillion, have you grown some in the last year?

Q. Have you grown taller in the last year?
ANASTASIA PAVLYUCHENKOVA: I thought so, yes. Also compared to my coach and my mom, every time I walk, I'm like, No, look, I grew up. (laughter.)
And we go to measure and it's the same height. I'm like, No? How come? I feel I grew up.
And at the medical checkup here, they measured my length of the legs. They grew up two centimeters more than from last year in April. So surprised, and I don't know why.

Q. So only your legs grew longer?
ANASTASIA PAVLYUCHENKOVA: The legs are growing, but not me. And it doesn't show on the -- when I measure, it's the same. It's a miracle. (laughter.)

Q. That's very strange.

Interview from ASAP

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