G20 Summit, Business Leaders will meet ahead

G20 Summit: Business Leaders will meet ahead

June 25-26, 2010
At the request of Prime Minister Stephen Harper and Finance Minister Jim Flaherty, the Honourable John Manley, President and Chief Executive Officer of the Canadian Council of Chief Executives, will convene the G-20 Business Summit (B20) in Toronto on June 25 and 26. The B20 is one of a number of outreach initiatives planned with key stakeholders in advance of the Toronto summit.
The goal of the B20 is to enable leaders and finance ministers to receive candid and useful advice from the front lines of global commerce on the important economic issues at the centre of the G-20 agenda. It will also provide an opportunity to build support amongst the business community for G-20 policy objectives and enable business to play an active role in finding practical solutions to the global challenges we all face.
B20 participants will include two senior business leaders from each G-20 country. These business leaders will have the opportunity to exchange views amongst themselves, engage in an informal dialogue with finance ministers and offer recommendations to leaders.
G-20 leaders agreed in Pittsburgh to make the G-20 the primary global economic forum for working together to build a durable recovery and avoid a future crisis, and both governments and central banks have collaborated effectively in ensuring appropriate fiscal and monetary stimulus. As the global economy recovers, business leaders recognize that governments must increasingly turn their attention to restoring fiscal discipline and that the private sector therefore must once again take the lead in driving investment and job creation.
B20 agenda
The B20 agenda will address both current business conditions and short-term issues, such as fiscal exit strategies and financial sector regulatory reform, as well as key drivers of strong and sustainable economic growth including innovation, trade and investment liberalization, and international development. B20 discussion of entrepreneurship and small-business growth will be supported by recommendations flowing from the G20 Young Entrepreneur Summit taking place in Toronto on June 20-22.

For more info on the G20 Summit, http://g20.gc.ca/toronto-summit/

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