Arantxa Rus Dutch female tennis player

Arantxa Rus (born 13 December 1990, in Delft, South Holland) is a Dutch female tennis player. In 2008 she won the Australian Open for juniors, defeating Jessica Moore from Australia. Because of this win she went from 35th to 2nd place on the junior tennis list. Rus was given a wildcard for the 2008 Ordina Open, where she was defeated in the first round by Mariya Koryttseva 4-6, 4-6.

In September 2008 she qualified herself for the 2008 Guangzhou International Women's Open in Guangzhou, China. In the first round she beat Yanina Wickmayer of Belgium 6-7 (2), 6-2, 6-4 and then reached the quarterfinal after beating Argentina's Gisela Dulko 6-4, 6-4[1]. In the quarterfinal she lost to Camille Pin of France 3-6, 3-6

Arantxa RusArantxa Rus smile
Arantxa RusArantxa Rus Tennis Player
Arantxa RusArantxa Rus pose
Arantxa RusArantxa Rus won trophy
Arantxa RusArantxa Rus playing shot
Arantxa RusArantxa Rus very tall
Arantxa RusArantxa Rus bad mood

Arantxa Rus sexy pic

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