British Transpeople Successfully Shut Down Transphobic UK Conference

Did I not stress to folks that the trans rights struggle in the 2K10's would be conducted under new rules?

In addition to fighting tooth and nail any unjust laws aimed at us and demand we be part of the process in compiling any laws that benefit us, we are also going to take control of the education message. 

In other words, we are no longer going to allow non trans people to lie to the public about who we are.

Our British trans cousins have been busy across The Pond fighting a May 20 London trans conference sponsored by the Royal College of Psychiatrists Lesbian and Gay Special Interest Group.

The ‘Transgender: Time To Change’ event by the RCP drew the ire of the British trans community because they felt not only was it going to feature two of our major detractors in the UK, radical lesbian hate feminist Julie Bindel and Dr.Az Hakeem, the RCP's Lesbian And Gay Special Interest Group had no expertise on trans issues.

Their efforts were successful when the Gender Identity Clinic at Charing Cross Hospital, the UK's oldest and most respected trans treatment center pulled out of the event and it was subsequently canceled by the Royal College of Psychologists.

A spokeswoman for the Center stated: “Although we were somewhat wary of engaging in what is essentially a clinical discussion with a predominantly non-trans panel, which, moreover, features a non-clinician (Bindel) whose personal opinion is already well known, we agreed to do so in order that discussion might focus on evidence rather than anecdote. 

“The Royal College should be aware that there is a great deal of disquiet around this event within the trans community. Interested parties should also note that the discussion as it now stands will be one-sided at best.”

Activist Jane Fae, speaking for the organizers of the trans protest said: “The only people to blame for this are the Royal College. They could have had a very successful event if they had talked to the trans community and included people.”

Gee, sounds familiar to what's been happening on our side of the Atlantic.

But congratulations British trans cousins for stopping what was certain to be a disastrous event in your nation's capitol that could have had a deleterious effect on trans policy issues in the UK.  

It also sends a message that the next time you wish to hold a trans conference, start by having the people who live trans lives involved in the planning of it.

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