2011 African-American Music Appreciation Month Proclamation


     The music of our Nation has always spoken to the condition of our people and reflected the diversity of our Union. African-American musicians, composers, singers, and songwriters have made enormous contributions to our culture by capturing the hardships and aspirations of a community and reminding us of our shared values. During African-American Music Appreciation Month, we honor the rich musical traditions of African-American musicians and their gifts to our country and our world.

     From the cadenced hums of spirituals to the melodies of rhythm and blues, African-American music has been used to communicate, to challenge, to praise, and to uplift in times of both despair and triumph. The rhythmic chords embedded in spirituals have long expressed a deep faith in the power of prayer, and brought hope to slaves toiling in fields. The soulfulness of jazz and storytelling in the blues inspired a cultural renaissance, while the potent words of gospel gave strength to a generation that rose above the din of hatred to move our country toward justice and equality for all.

     Today, African-American musicians continue to create new musical genres and transform the scope of traditional musical formats. The artistic depth of soul, rock and roll, and hip-hop not only bring together people across our Nation, but also energize and shape the creativity of artists around the world. The contributions of African-American composers and musicians to symphony, opera, choral music, and musical theater continue to reach new audiences and encourage listeners to celebrate fresh interpretations of these and other genres.

     In cherished songs passed down through generations and innovative musical fusions crafted today, African-American music continues to transcend time, place, and circumstance to provide a source of pride and inspiration for all who hear its harmonies. This month, we celebrate the legacy of African-American music and its enduring power to bring life to the narrative of our Nation.

     NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim June 2011 as African-American Music Appreciation Month. I call upon public officials, educators, and all the people of the United States to observe this month with appropriate activities and programs that raise awareness and foster appreciation of music which is composed, arranged, or performed by African Americans.

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this thirty-first day of May, in the year of our Lord two thousand eleven, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-fifth.


My Trans Sisters Are Beautiful Black Women, Too

I've noted several blogs across the Afrosphere that have responded to Kanazawa's bigotry masquerading as pseudo science by posting pictures of beautiful Black women.   So since I talk about African descended transpeople and posted some pics to make that point a while back, thought I'd do my part to whack two falsehoods at the same time by posting some more photos of my beautiful Black trans sisters.    

 Isis King

Janet Mock

Laverne Cox

Stasha Sanchez

Tona Brown
Cydne Kimbrough

Stacey Blahnik Lee

Tracy Africa Norman

Audrey Mbugua

Angelica Ross

Domanique Shappelle

TransGriot Note: The picture gracing the top of this post is Carole Small.   She was quoted in a 1967 JET magazine article on the eve of her SRS as stating  '"Black women in America are the luckiest on the face of the earth and it will be marvelous to be one."   

While I might quibble about the 'lucky' part, she was right about the its marvelous to be one.

TransGriot Nuke A Troll 15-Hatin' On The POTUS

Time for the USS Monica to take another short cruise on the cyberseas and drop 20 megatons of knowledge on some poor deluded soul who is wallowing in ignorance.

We train the troll nuke carrying Tomahawks on mari, who wrote this comment in response to my  'Obama Hasn't Done Anything' Yeah, Right Haters post

Well i see he has done a lot but in my humble opinion, he has not kept one promise to theGLBT commnity there is no repel of anthing clinton or bush did i am 16 years old and i am still bullied in high school cause i am s mixed out transgendger kid in orlando florida. 


Were you asleep during the last two and a half years of this term of the Obama presidency or are you really this clueless? 

Not kept one promise to the GLBT community?   DADT has been repealed    I'd say that's one huge promise kept to the GLBT community along with the passage of federal hate crimes legislation

No repeal of anything Clinton or Bush did?  Please.  Here's the short list of policy reversals from the Clinton or Bush era that this president has enacted or TBLG community friendly ones that he has initiated.

And oh, guess you forgot about the historic appointment of Amanda Simpson to a post in his administration.

Assuming you are who you say you are mari, stand up for yourself if you are being bullied.  When you do so, that will lessen the bullying.   If your teachers, principal or school administrators won't resolve the problem, go over their heads to their bosses, the superintendents or your school board rep.

Now back to your troll nuking.   Barack Hussein Obama II has been the BEST president ever when it comes to policies that have positively affected the T portion of the BTLG community.

Duck and cover, and don't look at the flash when the troll nuke goes off.

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