Virginia Trans Attack Update

Update in the trans hate attack aimed at a 32 year old transwoman in Fredericksburg, VA outside a local 7-Eleven convenience store.

18 year old Laqueta Webb has already been arrested and charged with malicious wounding by mob.   Her 19 year old boyfriend Farkeem French  hasn't been arrested yet, but he is also facing the same charges once he turns himself in to the Fredericksburg po-po's.  

 Two other men who participated in the attack on the unidentified transwoman are still at large and one has been tentatively identified due to eyewitness accounts .

In case you're wondering about Virginia's hate crime law, it doesn't cover sexual orientation or gender identity.  It only covers hate crimes motivated by the victim's race, religious conviction, color or national origin.

And since both houses of the Virginia General Assembly are under GOP control with a GOP neo confederate governor and a right wing fundie attorney general in Ken Cuccinelli II, good luck in seeing any changes to the hate crimes law in favor of our community any time soon.

Elections matter, people.

Will keep y'all apprised on any new developments in this case.

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