Aww...Thanks Morgan, Jocelyn, Marti.....

Every time I get to a point I'm feeling down about some situation that's impacting my life, start beating myself up because I felt like I didn't do enough on or a quality job concerning an issue, or I feel like I'm being ignored, marginalized or disrespected, there are times I fire up the computer and read encouraging stuff that turns that frown upside down and lifts my spirits.

I sometimes forget because of the other ancillary drama that I am a role model, and the people I impact just being me have a much different opinion about Moni than my hardcore haters have or the modest one I internalize at times.

Sometimes I'm genuinely shocked at just how much respect and good will I've built up and the positive influence I have on people 

Morgan Goode hat tipped me on her page and wrote 'she considers me a constant source of inspiration'.   She's one beautiful (inside and out) intelligent and talented lady that I have much love and respect for as well and I'm looking forward to meeting her one day.  
I met my fellow Houstonian Jocelyn last summer and had an enjoyable wide ranging chat with her over Pappas barbecue.  She's currently a grad student at UCLA and noted on her FB page I'm one of three people that she would love to have speak on that campus.   I'd be honored to have that opportunity as well on that campus should they extend that invite to me.

Marti Abernathey over at TA is making me blush and feel like a NBA lottery pick.with all the praise being heaped on me for simply making the decision to become a contributing writer at Transadvocate.  

And yes, had a lot of fun lobbying with her in DC back in 2007.

And to all the peeps in H-town who want quality time with me like Diamond Stylz, Vanity Wilde, Angelique, Deandrea, Toni, my old CAL airlines gang...haven't forgotten about y'all.      

Thanks 'errbody'.  It's a reminder that despite my WWBT detractors who have professed their undying hatred of moi,  I have far more people that love and respect me for not only standing up for the civil rights of this community inside and outside TBLG circles, but for just being me.

Thank You!  (sniff, sniff)  Y'all don't know how much I appreciate that.

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