Archaeologists Find 5000 Year Old Trans Skeleton

I keep telling you peeps that transpeople are part of the diverse mosaic of life, and stumbled across a news story that reinforces that point.

Seems that archaeologists working in a Prague, Czech Republic suburb unearthed a male skeleton dating back to 2900-2500 BC with its head pointed eastward and surrounded by domestic jugs.

Those were burial rituals in that particular culture only seen previously in female graves. 


"From history and ethnology, we know that people from this period took funeral rites very seriously so it is highly unlikely that this positioning was a mistake," said lead archaeologist Kamila Remisova Vesinova. 

According to Corded Ware culture which began in the late Stone Age and culminated in the Bronze Age, men were traditionally buried lying on their right side with their heads pointing towards the west, and women on their left sides with their heads pointing towards the east. Both sexes would be put into a crouching position.

Repeat after me, transpeople are part of the diverse mosaic of human life

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