Chuck Knipp 'DROP Squaded'

The Lexington, KY police found Chick Knipp wandering near Rupp Arena early this morning wearing a blonde wig, a meat skirt, stiletto heels and singing Lady Gaga's Born This Way'. 

He told Lexington police that he'd been kidnapped after work by a group of muscular black beret wearing African American men who fit the description of the mysterious DROP Squad.    He claimed he was forced to listen to Ke$ha records for approximately 48 hours as a group of masked Black women taunted him and told him how much they hated his Shirley Q. Liquor character.

Interestingly enough RuPaul was also DROP squaded  back in 2008.   RuPaul has come under fire in the African American GLBT community for defending Knipp's blackface drag minstrel show.
Knipp was taken to Good Samaritan Hospital for observation.

Security was increased around Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, Tea Party Presidential candidate Herman Cain, Jesse Lee Peterson, Angela McGlowan, Star Parker and Rep Allen West (R-FL) as a precaution now that the elusive DROP Squad has struck again.

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