The Gay, Inc Dictionary

Like the Religious Reich and the conservafool movement, Gay Inc. twists words and phrases for propaganda value and effect as well to pimp its message.  As a TransGriot public service, it's time to enlighten you on some of the ones you'll see crop us in the Gayosphere, their press releases  and other Internet discourse.

ally  a cis or trans person that unquestioningly follows their lead on marriage equality issues or agrees with their 'incremental progress' approach for trans rights.

crumbs  any gay or lesbian favorable law or policy change that benefits either them or the trans community and isn't same gender marriage or DOMA repeal

discrimination free zone   A jurisdiction that has a GL only protective law on the books and marriage equality, but no trans rights coverage

equality   the push to have gay and lesbian people acquire the same white privilege infused 'special right' to discriminate against other marginalized groups

hater  a cis or gay lesbian trans person that questions the 'all marriage all the time' strategy or disagrees with their 'incremental progress' approach for trans rights.

homophobe: cis or trans person who calls out gay people for their shady and questionably ethical behavior in online discourse

homophobia  Any commentary by cis or trans people that brings up their history of stabbing transpeople in the back on civil rights issues or criticizes their nekulturny or shady behavior.

incremental progress   Political strategy of pushing inadequate, flawed or unjust trans rights bills compiled by Gay, Inc 'equality' orgs that not only stretches out the time it takes to pass such legislation, it doesn't fix the problems that plague transpeople

just like you  see 'equality' definition.    The dog whistle codeword for the strategy. 

out of state activists   people, bloggers or national organizations who oppose bad trans legislation authored by GL people

playing by the rules  The demand that legislators stop what they're doing to see Gay, Inc lobbyists, friendly legislators or allies pushing legislation of importance to the GL community while ignoring trans lobbyists, friendly legislators and cis, trans or GL allies opposed to that legislation

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