One Month To Cuatro De Mayo

The arrival of April 4 on the calendar means I'm thirty days from reaching another birthday.   I'm at the point in my life that every Cuatro De Mayo celebration I'm blessed to reach I consider a happy one. 

But in the thirty days leading up to that birthday I tend to go into analytical mode.  I assess my life and where it is at this point in time, try not to get depressed over not reaching the goals I'd set for myself, find the blessings in what I have accomplished and just recommit to being the best Monica I can be..

Could things be better?   Yes, they could.   I'm also blessed with having loyal friends and family that aren't afraid to kick me in the behind and call me on stuff when I need it.    Thanks to the blog and the Net I've had the pleasure of getting to know people around the country and the planet and look forward to the day when i finally get to meet them.

Some days in that ongoing journey are going to be better than others, but as long as there's forward progress toward becoming a better Monica today than I was yesterday, last week, last month or last year, I'm happy with it.

Now if I could only get five numbers plus a Powerball/Megaball.

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