Shut Up Fool! Awards-April Fools Day Edition

TransGriot readers, as you noticed by my first two posts, they are part of an annual tradition on this blog in which I do a few posts in the spirit of the day.  

But another one of my regular features is the weekly Shut Up Fool! Award which happens every Friday, and this year April Fool's Day happens to fall on Friday .   This is a perfect day to shine a spotlight on all the stupidity and ignorance surrounding us.

The nominees this week were a group award for Fox News,  a group award for EQ Maryland,  Speaker John Boehner (R-OH), Mara Drummond, Sharon Brackett, and Herman Cain. 

Honorable mention goes to the Life Always idiots who are trying to pimp that anti abortion propaganda in our community.

But this week's fool is Rep Eric Cantor (R-VA)   He gets our  vote for not knowing something I learned not only in government andn civics classes, but from watching Schoolhouse Rock on Saturday mornings. 

Lawrence O'Donnell's commentary

Okay, how does somebody this ignorant about how a bill becomes a law become the House Majority L:eader?

Duh, he's a member of the GOP and has a slight resemblance to Sylvester Stallone.  But it also fits in nicely with the Orwellian Ignorance is Strength vibe running through the Grand Old Neo  Fascist Party lately.

If Eric Cantor's fictional world were the case, those 400 plus bills that the Nancy Pelosi led Democratic House passed that the Republicans filibustered to death in the Senate would have become law.

The reality is that a bill not only has to pass the House AND the Senate, it must be signed by the President before it becomes law.  

Representative Eric Cantor, go reread the Constitution that you claim to respect and love and shut up Fool!

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