Damn Skippy I'm Gonna Be Partisan About OBL's Death

In the wake of the successful US special forces raid on the bin Laden compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan, some right wing peeps are insisting that we not turn this into a partisan issue as they try to spin this so that President Obam gets zero credit for making the gutsy calls and putting his presidency on the line to make this happen.. 

Frack that, your conservafools turned 9-11 into a partisan issue back in 2002, and it's payback time. 

With the racist way you've attempted to belittle, ignore, and disrespectfully delegitimize President Obama, minimize the accomplishments of his presidency, and resort to racist stereotypes from slavery to do so, you damned skippy I'm going to be partisan about the fact it was the intelligent Black president who accomplished in two and a half years of his first term what the previous incompetent GOP administration could not.

And you conservafools are foaming at the mouth mad about it aren't you?    But that's what happens when you put A students in charge.  Stuff gets done.

Yep, it was and forever will be recorded in Us history that it was the Obama administration that got OBL after Bush let him go twice, much less said they didn't know where he was and din't spend much time focusing on him.

So naw, don't come running up to try to hog the spotlight now that the brother president made all the tough calls to put JSOC in the position to get bin Laden's living in the lap of luxury behind.

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