Here We Go Again-Transwoman Denied Entry At Dubai Airport

We've had increasing documentation of incidents in which transpeople have been denied entry at world airports in various nations or are harassed by customs officials when they do.

It was one of the reasons why the US State Department changed its policy last summer and allowed transpeople to acquire passports that have gender markers consistent with current gender presentation rather than being based on birth gender.

It was also one of the reasons international trans people became alarmed when the new Thai start up airline PC Air announced with the hiring of of several trans flight attendants that they were going to have them wear specialized gold colored ID that outed them to customers and custom officials.

PinayTG chronicles another story of a transperson who unexpectedly found herself being harassed and denied entry into Dubai due to mismatched ID.

All Jen Janice wanted to do before heading back to the Netherlands after a business trip to Kuwait was take a few days to visit friends in the UAE.    That side trip was one that opened her up to discrimination and disrespect..

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