Shut Up Fool Awards-End Of The World* Edition

Well, according to fundie Harold Camping, the world is supposed to come to an end on Saturday, May 21 at 6:00 PM whatever your time.

Of course some peeps have started canceling their cable subscriptions, selling off or giving away their worldly goods and cash in preparation for the Rapture they expect to happen.

One of the peeps who ain't giving his worldly goods and megabucks  away is the person who made the prediction.  . 

Since some of you peeps are feeling generous, how about dropping a large donation on my TransGriot Tip Jar before you go?   I'm skeptical because I've heard in my lifetime the world was supposed to end in 1987, then it was 1997, then 2000, now this 2011 one and the end Mayan calendar one next December.

Next time you hear any end of the world predictions, remember what Matthew 24:36 has to say and keep on going about your daily activities.

But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only. 

Moving on from somewhat religious matters to secular ones.   It's Friday, and time to find out what fool or fools earned our illustrious award for this week. 

It's no contest since this week's Shut Up Fool award winner earned it on Monday.    He beat out Newt Gingrich, Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI), Faux News, Sen Mitch McConnell (R-KY), Speaker John Boehner (R-OH), Rick Santorum, Cornel West, and Rep. Eric Cantor (R-VA).

Our winner this week is Satoshi Kanazawa, a social 'scientist' with a history of race baiting and who is the living embodiment of an educated fool.    

He authored a blog post published by Psychology Today entitled 'Why Are Black Women Less Physically Attractive Than Other Women' that crashed their servers and has since been taken down.

It still lives on various spaces around the Net, and his reprehensible  bigoted spewings are alive for all to see.  

It still didn't stop the wrath of African Americans, the TransGriot and others outraged at this racism masquerading as science from coming down upon him and Psychology Today for publishing the blogosphere equivalent of The Bell Curve.

Way to keep that 'unwoman' meme alive, dude.     I have a long list of beautiful Black women that will blow your bull feces post to smithereens.

Halle Berry, Diahann Carroll, Nichelle Nichols, Dorothy Dandridge, Sally Hemings, Diana Ross,  Jada Pinkett Smith, Angela Bassett,  Tyra Banks, Selita Ebanks, Aaliyah, Lena Horne,  Naomi Sims, Miss Universe Janelle Commissiong, Miss Universe Mpule Kwelagobe, Miss Universe Wendy Fitzwilliam,  Toni Braxton, Beyonce Knowles,  Miss USA Carole Gist,  Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc,,Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc, Zeta Phi Beta Sorority Inc, Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority Inc, Coretta Scott King, Rhianna, Isis King, Yolanda Adams.....  

Satoshi Kanazawa, shut the HELL up fool!


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