Upcoming Burgess Murder Trial In Britain Begins Soon

I posted a few months about noted British Civil rights attorney Sonia Burgess being pushed to her death at a London subway station back in October by 34 year old Nina Kanagasingham.

Turns out the accused killer is a pre-operative transperson herself and is being charged with murder of the noted human rights attorney.  . 

My British trans cousins have been more than a little pissed about the sensationalist and transphobic coverage being generated in the British media concerning this case. They are also not happy about how Kanagasingham has been treated by the British legal system either.   In addition to being housed in a men's prison, she was hauled into Old Bailey unshaven, a point in which the British press took great glee in pointing out in their stories.

The British media has also pissed our trans cousins across The Pond off by sensationalizing Sonia Burgess' life away from the courtroom. 

I'm a person who believes that if a trans person does the crime, they should accept the consequences and do the time.  But I'm just as adamant that neither should trans people be put in a position in the process of being punished by the justice system for the crime the committed, which will result in mistreatment, gross violations of their human rights, bodily harm or sexual assault either.

The trial of Nina Kanagasingham for the murder of Sonia Burgess will take place at Old Bailey starting July 18.  It will be interesting to see how this plays out not only in the courtroom, but in the British media as well.

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