Shut Up Fool Awards-FIFA Women's World Championship Weekend Edition

At 1 PM CDT I'll be parked in front of the TV doing what much of the world will be doing on Sunday. I'll be watching the championship match of the 2011 FIFA Women's World Cup tournament in Frankfurt am Main and hoping to see Team USA play 90 more minutes (or more pending the score) of football and claim their record setting third FIFA world championship versus Japan.

While the Nadeshiko Japan were my sentimental favorites going into this tournament and I also like the two time FIFA world champion Germans since I have cousins who live there, have to root for the home country.


Okay, now that I've gotten that out of my system, time to deal with our usual Friday 'bidness' of choosing our weekly Shut Up Fool Award winner.  

As always we have a bumper crop of candidate who exhibited championship level stupidity starting with Rep Eric Cantor (R-VA), Rep. Joe Walsh (R-IL) , Rep Louie Gohmert (R-TX) , Rep Virginia Foxx (R-NC),  Ron Christie, a group nomination for Fox News, a group nomination for the Republican Party, Dr. Marcus Bachmann and his loving wife, Gov. Rick Perry (R-TX), Gov. Scott Walker (R-WI)  and Willard 'Mitt' Romney. 

But this week's winner is Fox News commentator Eric Bolling.   He parted his lips on the new Fox Noise show The Five (that replaced Glenn Beck) to say 'I don't remember any attacks on American soil between 2000 and 2008."

Oh really?   Does September 11, 2001 ring a bell for you?   Here's a photo to jog your memory.

The sad part is that your fellow conservafools on that panel had the same memory lapse.   You also seem to have had the exact cognitive failure to recall 9/11 that Monica Crowley, Charles Krauthammer, Rudy Guiliani , Dana Perino and the rest of the conservative movement have when it comes to dealing with the inconvenient truth that the worst terrorist attack on US soil happened under a GOP administration.  

Most telling is that Perino and 'errbody' else on this panel said nothing .   More evidence why people who watch only Fox Noise are the most misinformed folks in America.   And oh yeah, haven't forgotten the racist comments you made about President Obama either

Eric Bolling, shut up fool!

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