Shut Up Fool Awards-Still Another Renee's Birthday Weekend Edition

Another 365 days (366 in a leap year) have passed and it's once again time to celebrate another anniversary of my Canadian homegirl's 21st birthday on July 11. 

She'll be as usual hating on 'the wretched province', teasing me about her still missing cornbread recipe, gleefully downing her favorite Timmy's Icecap and hopefully adding another Coach purse (or wallet) to her collection as the unhusband and the kids spoil her rotten on her day (hint, hint)  

And yes, testosterone based lifeforms inhabiting Renee's home, we in the blogosphere will be keeping our cybereyes on you to find out if that happened.

That's a nice segue into our weekly bidness of keeping our eyes on our fool or fools who never fail to amaze us with their feats of ever increasing stupidity and jacked up commentary.

Our nominees this week were Rep. Virginia Foxx (R-NC) , Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) Rep.Eric Cantor (R-VA),  Dr. Marcus Bachmann,  Eucharia Uche, Steve Doocy, Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX), Gov Rick Perry (R-TX), Sen. James Imhofe (R-OK), Sen Jim DeMint (R-SC), Mitt Romney, and group awards for the Republican Party and Fox Noise.

But the Shut Up Fool award this week has to go to Sen Orrin Hatch (R-UT). He's got a probable primary challenge he's facing in the 2012 election cycle and he's having to go hard right to appease the Tea Klux Klan wingnuts there.

In the midst of this bloviating inside I-495 and the pundit class over this false deficit crisis and the GOP tying to deflect calls for their superrich buddies and 'corporate persons' to pay their fair share, Sen Hatch shared his fave talking point (ho hum) that the downtrodden superrich pay too much in taxes.

"I hear how they're so caring for the poor and so forth," Hatch said on the Senate floor Wednesday in reference to the Democrats. "The poor need jobs! And they also need to share some of the responsibility."
Seriously Sen. Hatch?   The rich and corporations pay less in taxes than they did during the Reagan years.  The poor and middle class have been shouldering far too much of the burden of this economic downturn and they need to in your words 'share some of the responsibility'?  For a situation that your 'greed is good' buddies created?      

Sen.Orrin Hatch, shut up fool!

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