Forced Child Masculinization In Malaysia?

Was alarmed to hear about this revolting development coming out of Malaysia.   

66 kids deemed by their teachers as 'effeminate' boys were taken out of their classrooms and sent to four day government sponsored boot camps in which they will try to 'indoctrinate away the trans and gay'.   The camps will involve physical training and teaching "masculine behavior" to keep them on the "right" path.

Umm hmm.   Who's to say they aren't on the 'right path' now?   

Besides, I know a bunch of people in this community who got GI Joes, Hot Wheels cars and toy guns for Christmas, were all district performers in football and other various sports, Boy Scouts, joined the military and still transitioned.

There are people I know who had 'masculine childhoods that are so far out of the rainbow closet a Navy SEAL team couldn't shove them back in.

Malaysian activists have tried to shut down the camps but so far have failed in their attempts to do so.  Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak has turned a deaf ear to public outcry over the masculinization camps, which violate the UN Declaration of Human Rights and the Malaysian Child Act of 2001  

The stated purpose of the Child Act is to protect children "in all circumstances without regard to distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, social origin or physical, mental or emotional disabilities or any other status."

Forcibly sending effeminate kids to a four day camp in order to keep them on the subjectively deemed by some adult 'right gender path' could be counterproductive to the health and welfare of the kids stigmatized by being sent to these camps in the first place.

Let's just hope that Prime Minister Razak sees the light and stops this idiotic program.

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