Prez Pwns Trump At 2011 WH Correspondents Dinner

Donald Chump, (er Trump) has been on a comedic tour lately in terms of taking credit for egging on the birthers to the point where the prez had to release his long form birth certificate last week .   As we could have predicted, that still wasn't enough for these racists to 'prove' to their vanilla scented satisfaction that President Obama is a 'natural born citizen'.

Now they have expanded thir demands and want the president to release his college transcripts.

Birther fools, did you demand to see that thank you lawdy C- Yale student's transcript by the last name of Bush? 

The White House Correspondents Association's annual dinner was last night, and the president once again got to use his comedic skills in front on a national television audience on C-SPAN.   Many of his remarks were aimed at The Donald.   


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