Happy 65th Wedding Anniversary President Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter

July 7 was also a momentous date for President Jimmy and former First Lady Rosalynn Carter.   They were married 65 years ago on this day in 1946 at the Plains Baptist Church in Plains, GA.. It is the second longest marriage in the history of US presidential couples.

Hmm.  What was that bull feces about Democratic family values again?   While you Republifools flap your gums about it, this man lived those values.   He also put us during his presidency on a course of emphasizing human rights in our international dealings with the world that you GOP fools ruined under the last mispresidency.  
Y'all know I have much love for and respect for President Carter because until President Clinton came along, he was the champ in terms of appointing African-Americans and other POC's to his cabinet, federal judicial benches and his administration.

 He was trying to get the US on the road to energy independence and energy efficiency during his term.   He established the Strategic Petroleum reserve that we can tap into when needed, got a lasting peace treaty done between Egypt and Israel, and signed the treaty returning the Panama Canal to that nation  

He also started the tradition of acknowledging June as Black Music Month as well.

And the conservafools still hate on him and call him a 'failed president' for doing so.

But back to President Carter, the First Lady and their long time marriage.  

Congratulations on your long time marriage and your 65th wedding anniversary!   May you continue to have many happy years together.

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