Monica's 2011 Esteem Awards Acceptance Speech.

This is the speech I wrote for the 2011 Esteem Award that I'll be getting on July 3.   Thought I'd share it with you TransGriot readers and everyone who couldn't be in Chicago for the awards ceremony.


Giving honor to God, the Esteem Awards distinguishedfounder, judges, attendees of the awards ceremony, friends and allies

I am pleased, excited and thankful that I am being honored with a 2011 EsteemAward in the Outstanding Service, Transgender - Nationals category and humblyaccept it.  I just wish I could be in Chicago during thisfestive Black Pride weekend in person to do so.

When I started my transition in 1994 and the activism partof it with my first Capitol Hill lobbying trip four years later, little did Iknow or expect that I was beginning a journey that was more than just simplywanting to do something to fight for my human rights as a trans person ofAfrican descent and be a role model to others like me. 

Along the way I’ve learned a lot of things about myself, metpeople around the country and the world that I’m blessed to call my friends whoshare a common vision of a world in which transpeople have the same codifiedhuman rights as everyone else.  I’vebecome an iconic figure in the trans community, made some history, and edit ablog that has registered over 2.5 million hits since I started it on New Year’sDay 2006.

And because I tell it like it T-I-S is on TransGriot about alot of subjects, pissed a few people off, too. 

Dr. Cornel West has a quote about leadership that I tweakedto better reflect the African descended trans constituency I serve:
'You can’t leadtrans people if you don’t love trans people. You can’t save trans people if youdon’t serve trans people.'
I love my people and have been leading and serving them invarious capacities for over 15 years  But the journey to save them is far from over.  I won’t rest until my African descended transbrothers and sisters become and feel comfortable enough to believe they arefull fledged participants at the African American family table inside andoutside our rainbow community.

It’s nice any time you receive an award that recognizes you forthe work you do on behalf of others.  It’seven more meaningful when that award comes from your own people 

Thank you for honoring me with this 2011 Esteem Award.      

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