Alert- Transbashing Bill In Texas Senate

The GOP haters tried to sneak this one in on us.   Cristan Williams is in Austin to testify against this bill

Please take the time to call the Texas State Senators listed at the bottom and encourage everyone you know who cares about the trans community to do the same.

SB 723, by Tommy Williams (R-The Woodlands) will be heard in the Senate Jurisprudence Committee at 1:30 Pm CDT TODAY. The bill would remove documentation of a court ordered "sex change" from the list of documents that can be used to prove identity when applying for a marriage license.

The family code's list of potential identifying documents is extremely long; everything from school records to prison ID cards. When the list was created last session the inclusion of court ordered "sex changes" was non-controversial, not even meriting debate. Attempting to remove it now is a simple act of spite and Williams' bill analysis makes it clear that his intention in passing this legislation is to outlaw marriage involving trans identified people in the State of Texas.

Please contact the members of the Senate Jurisprudence Committee and tell them to leave the law the way it is, vote NO on SB 723.

Chair Chris Harris 512-463-0109
Vice-Chair Jose Rodriguez 512-463-0129
John Carona 512-463-0116
Robert Duncan 512-463-0128
Mario Gallegos 512-463-0106
Joan Huffman 512-463-0117
Carlos Uresti 512-463-0119

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