Fiction Writing-Take Me Away

In the mood to do some fiction writing this weekend.  Time to get reacquainted with some characters I created a few years ago and see what's transpired in their lives since the last time I wrote about them.

I also have the option of taking another path and taking the time to say hello to some new ones.  In addition to creating and getting to know them, I get the pleasure of figuring out their likes, dislikes and what exciting things are transpiring in the world that I can create and they'll interact in.

No matter which route I take, the bottom line is that it's been too long since I've done some fiction writing and I did promise myself I'd make more time to do so in 2011.   I just need to do some writing that unleashes some creative juices on a regular basis instead of the 'just the facts' and the editorial pieces I've been doing a lot lately.   

The news has been coming fast and furisously on many issues.  I'm happy to post it here at TransGriot with my analysis for your reading pleasure, and not  thank whose of you who drop by on a regular basis, I thank those of you in this Great Recession who have dropped your hard earned change in the tip jar as well.    

But inside me is a frustrated fiction writer yearning to breathe free....hold on a minute.

Lorynn, what do you mean I'm overdue with 'your' sequel to On The Wings of Love?   Damn, always the diva. 

As I was saying, there's a frustrated fiction writer yearning to breathe free.  Have some ideas for a few stories and they will include some positive trans characters of color since they are sorely needed in the fiction world.

Just need to take some time and create them.

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