Shut Up Fool! Awards- Missing Glenda Edition

It has been an interesting week for me emotionally.   The 18th was the 10th anniversary of the night I received the late night phone call that advised me that my ex had unexpectedly died a few days short of her 38th birthday on March 20.  Even though ten years has passed and we had a pretty stormy two year relationship, we had patched up our friendship a few months before she passed away.

There's still a day that doesn't pass that I don't think about Glenda and I do miss talking to her, and my emotions are on a rollercoaster ride during those three days.

Rest in peace.  You are missed.   

So now let me turn my attention to the normal Friday business of TransGriot and find this week's fool or fools that earned our Shut Fool Award.

The nominees were Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) , Rep Eric Cantor (R-VA), Gov. Paul LePage (R-ME), Gov Scott Walker (R-WI) and Chris Brown.  Fox News and the GOP received group nominations.

But our winner this week surprisingly is George Lopez.    Now I love me some George Lopez.    I actually saw him perform in the early 90's at the Laff Stop in Houston before he blew up   I watch Lopez Tonight and have much love for him for rolling into Texas and other states with high Latino concentrations in 2008 and campaigning for President Obama.

George dissed both Kirstie Alley and Wendy Williams in a comedy routine critiquing their DWTS performances.   He compared Kirstie Alley's dancing to a pig, and called Wendy Williams a man.

I asked the question on March 14 how long would it take before the transphobic slurs started flying about Wendy Williams, and got my answer pretty quickly.    Roughly 24 hours after her performance.

Now, interestingly enough, Lopez apologized to Kirstie Alley for insulting her, but not to Wendy Williams for the transphobic diss.    Oh well, sadly the Black unwoman meme lives on.

George Lopez, shut up Fool!

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