HB 235 Dying In The MD Senate?

The unjust HD 235 trans rights bill crossed over to the Maryland Senate Monday and has landed in the Senate Rules Committee   

According to the Baltimore Sun's Maryland Politics blog, HB 235 has some formidable procedural hurdles with less than two weeks left in the Maryland legislative session

It has to first undergo a short Rules Committee hearing to determine its policy committee assignment.

Once its assigned to the proper policy committee, it then has to undergo a hearing in that committee before it hits the Senate floor for a vote.  

But with two weeks left, the Senate is engaged in trying to pass Maryland's state budget, and Senate president Thomas V. Mike Miller said that they are unlikely to take up this bill before the session ends.

"When we are through with the budget we’ll have time to deal with other issues that might have a chance of passage," Senator Miller said after the morning session. "At this point in time I’d say the chances of passage of that bill are next to none."

Kill the bill! Kill the bill! Kill the bill!

Hmm.. that's not what InEquality Maryland wanted to hear after all the shady stuff they pulled just to get to this point.   After losing their gay marriage bill, the last thing the want to happen is have another loss.

But the civil rights karmic wheel is turning on them, and they have no one to blame but themselves.   You introduce a comprehensive bill, the entire community would have gotten behind it, and my last two months worth of posts on this issue would have a much different tone.     


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