It's Independence Weekend For Canada And The USA!

We share the same continent, a 5000 kilometer long (3145 miles) undefended and unfortified border and the same European colonial mother country although we broke away from the British in 1776.   

We have close cultural and economic ties since we are each other's largest trading partner.

We also have independence days a few days apart.   It's July 1 for our Canadian cousins and July 4 for us.

For the peeps lucky enough on both sides of the Canada-USA border or relatively close to it, it sets up a nice long weekend chock full of fireworks, parades, festivals and good eating.    Just don't forget your passports.   

Life on the border gets a little more interesting for the residents of Derby Line, VT and Stanstead, Quebec.

Last year Renee and I during Independence Weekend talked smack in favor of our respective nations in some good natured trash talking posts we usually reserve for when our nations are engaged in playing hockey against each other.   Renee extolled the virtues of Canada, while I rebutted in favor of the United States

And oh yeah, didn't Sparky try to chime in on the discussion on behalf of the mother country?

One thing I do know, Americans need to do a better job getting their learn on about Canada.   It's sad the average Canadian knows more about US politics and its history than the average American does about Canadian politics and Canadian history.   Hell, the average Canadian knows more about US history than Michele Bachmann and Sarah Palin combined.  

Happy birthday to both our nations!

TransGriot Note:  In case you're wondering about the second picture, it's of the Haskell Free Library and Opera House in Derby Line VT and Stanstead, Quebec.   The Canadian-USA border is the black line on the floor and in that photo the checkout desk is in Canada.

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