Shut Up Fool Awards-Happy Canada Day Edition

Happy Canada Day to all my Canadian readers.  Y'all are spending today getting your drink, eat and party on in celebration of your nation's birth.   We get to do the same on our side of the border in a few days.

Even though it's a holiday, it's still Friday, and our search for fools never ends.   It's time for our weekly 'bidness' on TransGriot. in which we expose to the light of day the fool or fools in our midst.

Getting straight to it this week.  Our Shut Up fool winner is Mark Halperin, senior political analyst for MSNBC.   While discussing President Obama's press conference in which he bluntly called out the Republicans and urged them to pass legislation to help struggling families, Halperin parted his lips on MSNBC's Morning Joe yesterday and called the President a dick..

He then tried to apologize for the remark afterwards.

Really, Mark?    This is an example of why we African Americans go ballistic on criticism that we feel is disrespectful to the POTUS     We're tired of conservafools and white pundits felling they can say any damned thing they please about him, then think that an 'I'm sorry' or 'I misspoke' wipes the slate clean.   

We're beyond sick and tired of being sick and tired of this pattern on both sides of the political aisle.

After all the whining we heard from conservafools about 'respect the office' when it concerns GOP occupants of the Oval Office, suddenly that no longer applies once an African American and his family occupies 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

Mark Halperin, shut up fool!

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